There are many countries where getting the government contracts to run the business can take a lot of time. Until and unless a business spends several years while performing, getting such a contract is not easier. When you start a new business, you cannot even expect to get such a contract easily. Once your company is operated for a considerable amount of time, you can apply and expect to get that contract. But with an old shelf company with bank account, getting such a contract looks easier. How? This is an already established company. That means it has functioned for several years and now it’s in a dormant condition. So, the age of the company matters a lot here. As this is an aged company, getting the government contract looks easier for sure. And as this company is already having a bank account, getting a loan from that bank will also become easier for you. As the company is old, the bank account it has is also an old one. So, the bank is going to offer a great level of importance when it comes to the loan approval.
Old shelf company for sale
Getting a business loan for this type of company is always easy. As that bank account is old enough, the bank is also going to assign a long for that account instantly. So, the time has come to look for the old shelf company for sale online!
But for a new business with a new bank account, getting a loan is not that easy. Banks don’t consider such new business ventures are the most reliable ones. Getting a loan for a new business can become very tough due to this reason.